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Best Pokemon GO Mega Tyranitar Counters: Weaknesses & Type Effectiveness

Conquering Mega Tyranitar in Pokémon GO Mega Raids: A Comprehensive Guide Mega Tyranitar, a formidable 5-Star Mega Raid boss in Pokémon GO, demands strategic counter selection to exploit its weaknesses effectively. Despite its high Attack, CP, and Defense stats, a well-chosen team can overcome this
By Thomas
Feb 25,2025

Conquering Mega Tyranitar in Pokémon GO Mega Raids: A Comprehensive Guide

Mega Tyranitar, a formidable 5-Star Mega Raid boss in Pokémon GO, demands strategic counter selection to exploit its weaknesses effectively. Despite its high Attack, CP, and Defense stats, a well-chosen team can overcome this Dark-type powerhouse.

Mega Tyranitar's Strengths and Weaknesses

Mega Tyranitar is a dual Rock/Dark type, vulnerable to Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water-type attacks. Fighting-type moves are particularly effective, dealing 256% damage. Other weaknesses inflict 160% damage. However, it boasts resistances to Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying, Ghost, and Dark-type moves, and is strong against Psychic-type moves.


Pokémon Type Weaknesses Strong Against Resistances
Mega Tyranitar Rock/Dark Fighting, Bug, Fairy, Water, Grass, Ground, Steel Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, Psychic, Ghost, Rock, Steel, Fairy, Grass Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying, Ghost, Dark

Optimal Mega Tyranitar Counters

High-Attack Fighting-type Pokémon are your best bet. Top contenders include Keldeo, Conkeldurr, and Machamp. The table below lists excellent counters with their recommended movesets:

Keldeo Resolute form, one of the best Pokemon GO counters against Mega Tyranitar to target its weaknesses machamp hariyama Mega Blaziken, another one of the best counters against Mega Tyranitar in Pokemon GO conkeldurr toxicroak mega-gallade mega-lopunny Galarian Zapdos Meloetta (Pirouette)

Pokémon Fast Move Charged Move
Keldeo (All Forms) Low Kick Sacred Sword
Machamp Counter Dynamic Punch
Hariyama Counter Dynamic Punch
Mega Blaziken Counter Focus Blast
Conkeldurr Counter Dynamic Punch
Toxicroak Counter Dynamic Punch
Mega Gallade (All Forms) Low Kick Close Combat
Mega Lopunny Double Kick Focus Blast
Galarian Zapdos Counter Close Combat
Meloetta (Pirouette) Low Kick Close Combat

Water and Ground-type Pokémon offer viable alternatives, though their damage output may be lower. Prioritize Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) for maximum effectiveness.

Shiny Mega Tyranitar

Shiny Mega Tyranitar on the Pokemon GO map

Image via Niantic

Yes, Shiny Mega Tyranitar exists! The odds are 1 in 128. Alternatively, a Larvitar Community Day increases your chances of obtaining a Shiny Larvitar, which can be evolved into a Shiny Tyranitar and then Mega-Evolved.

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