最终幻想xiv 的补丁patch引入了一个迷人的新武器获取挑战:无花果武器库存。 这些金库拥有独特的化妆品武器,但是获得它们需要耐心和一些运气。本指南详细介绍了该过程。
figental武器库库专门从Cenote Ja Ja Ja Gural Treasugeon获得。 这是访问它的方法:
Item | Weapon Type |
Figmental Ladle Figmental Lid | Gladiator’s Arm and Shield |
Figmental Fish Stick | Marauder’s Arm |
Figment of Spring | Dark Knight’s Arm |
Figment of the Deep | Gunbreaker’s Arm |
Figment of Kittens’ Joy | Lancer’s Arm |
Figment of Autumn | Reaper’s Arm |
Figments of the Shallows | Pugilist’s Arm |
Figment of Summer | Samurai’s Arm |
Figments of Family Dinner | Rogue’s Arm |
Figments of Silver ‘Wared | Viper’s Arm |
Figment of the Forest | Archer’s Arm |
Figment of Love and War | Machinist’s Arm |
Figments of Fire’s Work | Dancer’s Arm |
Figment of Teatimes Past | Two-handed Thaumaturge’s Arm |
Figment of the Journey | Arcanist’s Grimoire |
Figmental Rainpier | Red Mage’s Arm |
Figment of Artistry | Pictomancer’s Arm |
Figment of Showtime | Blue Mage’s Arm |
Figment of Sweetness | Two-handed Conjurer’s Arm |
Figment of Faerie Love | Scholar’s Arm |
Figment of Winter | Astrologian’s Arm |
Figments of the Feast | Sage’s Arm |
>这是关于获得无花果武器金库的指南。 请记住,耐心和幸运是关键! 有关更多ffxiv提示和更新,请查看Escapist。