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Killzone Composer: 'Sense That People Want More Casual, Quick Games'

The beloved Sony franchise, Killzone, has been on a long hiatus, leaving fans yearning for its return. Recently, Killzone's composer, Joris de Man, added his voice to the chorus of those hoping to see the series make a comeback. In an interview with VideoGamer during the PlayStation: The Concert Tou
By Sophia
Mar 27,2025

The beloved Sony franchise, Killzone, has been on a long hiatus, leaving fans yearning for its return. Recently, Killzone's composer, Joris de Man, added his voice to the chorus of those hoping to see the series make a comeback. In an interview with VideoGamer during the PlayStation: The Concert Tour, de Man expressed his support for the revival of past Killzone entries.

"I know that there have been petitions for it," de Man remarked. "I think it's tricky because, I can't speak for Guerrilla or anything... I don't know if it will ever happen. I hope it will because I think it is quite an iconic franchise, but I also think it kind of has to take into account the sensitivities and the shift in what people want because it is quite bleak in some ways."

While the shape or form of Killzone's potential return remains uncertain, de Man suggested that a remastered collection might be more successful than a new entry. "I think a remastered one would be successful, I don't know if a new game would be as much," he noted. "I don't know if people have moved on from it and want something. Sometimes I get the sense that people want something a bit more casual, a bit more quick."

The Killzone series is known for its slower-paced, weightier gameplay, which contrasts with the fast-paced action of games like Call of Duty. Killzone 2, in particular, faced criticism for its perceived input lag on the PlayStation 3, affecting its responsiveness. The games are also noted for their dark, gritty visuals, tone, and atmosphere.

In a recent interview with the Washington Post, it appeared that Sony's Guerrilla Games had shifted their focus to the Horizon series, seemingly moving away from Killzone. However, it's been over a decade since the release of Killzone Shadow Fall, and the prospect of reviving Killzone—or another of Sony's PlayStation shooter franchises—remains enticing for many fans. While the future remains uncertain, supporters can take comfort knowing they have at least one more advocate in their corner.

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