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How to Capture and Beat Xu Wu in Monster Hunter Wilds

Confronting Xu Wu in *Monster Hunter Wilds*' Wyveria region presents a thrilling, albeit challenging, encounter. While not as formidable as Nu Udra, Xu Wu's speed and unpredictable movements demand careful strategy. Recommended Videos: Monster Hunter Wilds Xu Wu Boss Fight Guide---------------------
By Nora
Mar 17,2025

Confronting Xu Wu in *Monster Hunter Wilds*' Wyveria region presents a thrilling, albeit challenging, encounter. While not as formidable as Nu Udra, Xu Wu's speed and unpredictable movements demand careful strategy.

Recommended Videos: Monster Hunter Wilds Xu Wu Boss Fight Guide


Monster Hunter Wilds Xu Wu Boss Fight
Screenshot by The Escapist

Known Habitats: Wyveria
Breakable Parts: Head, Mouth, and Arms
Recommended Elemental Attack: Ice
Effective Status Effects: Poison (3x), Sleep (1x), Paralysis (2x), Blastblight (2x), Stun (2x), Exhaust (2x)
Effective Items: Pitfall Trap, Shock Trap

Maintaining Your Guard

Xu Wu's agility is its greatest asset, making its movements difficult to predict due to its unusual form and dark coloration. Its multiple arms and tendency to vanish into walls, reappearing from the ceiling, add to the challenge. This behavior is primarily confined to its nest, so exercise extra caution in that area.

Harness the Power of Ice

Xu Wu's weakness to Ice makes it a prime target for Ice-elemental attacks. Utilize Ice ammo with ranged weapons or equip gear that inflicts Ice damage with melee weapons. Consider the Frost Jewel decoration for an Ice Attack skill boost, and Frost Pods for supplementary Ice damage.

Evade the Grappling Attack

Xu Wu employs a powerful grab attack, temporarily disabling your weapons. React swiftly—you have roughly two seconds to escape. Your slinger is your best bet, with Frost Pods proving particularly effective.

Target the Vulnerable Mouth

Xu Wu's mouth is its most vulnerable point, though its location beneath its body makes it a fleeting target, usually visible only during diving attacks. Landing a powerful hit here can inflict significant damage and potentially break the mouth, yielding Xu Wu's fang.

If the mouth is inaccessible, focus on the head, which boasts a 4-star weakness to blunt and cut damage and a 3-star weakness to ammo damage.

Exploit the Poison Weakness

Xu Wu has a 3-star weakness to Poison. Bows with Poison Coating are particularly effective for inflicting this status ailment. While other status effects can be utilized, avoid Sleep, as its effectiveness is minimal.

Related: Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon Tier List (Best Weapons to Use)

Capturing Xu Wu

A Hunter in the Void result.

Screenshot by The Escapist

Once Xu Wu's health drops to 20%, set a Pitfall or Shock Trap. Lure it in using meat or yourself as bait, then quickly fire a tranquilizer before it escapes. Time is of the essence!

Mastering the hunt and capture of Xu Wu requires awareness of its agility and strategic use of its weaknesses. Careful management of your stamina is crucial for success.

*Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.*

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