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Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete - How to Get Robot Hero

Quick LinksHow to Get Static in Pocket Camp CompleteWhat Level to Unlock StaticHow to Craft Robot Hero in Pocket Camp CompleteHow to Level Up Static QuicklyRobot Hero Crafting MaterialsWhere to Use Robot HeroHappy HomeroomIf you're diving into the world of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete and t
By Zachary
Mar 28,2025

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If you're diving into the world of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete and tackling Happy Homeroom classes, you might encounter a class that requires a rare piece of furniture. These are known as Special Request furniture items, and they don't just appear in your craft catalog by leveling up your Camp Manager Level. You can accept Special Requests once an animal reaches level 10 or 15 in Pocket Camp Complete. A prime example of such an item is the Robot Hero.

How to Get Static in Pocket Camp Complete

What Level to Unlock Static

To unlock the Special Request for the Robot Hero, you first need to invite Static to your campsite. Static, a squirrel villager, becomes available to unlock between levels 20 and 29. During this range, you'll unlock two animals per level, but there's no guarantee you'll get Static right away, so you might need to level up a few times before he joins your Contacts.

To invite Static to your campsite, you must first reach friendship level 5 with him. Once you've achieved this, you'll need to craft the following furniture items:

Furniture ItemBellsMaterialsCraft Time
Modern End Table720x30 Steel3 hours
Modern Chair1390x30 Steel2 hours
Modern Bed1410x15 Cotton, x15 Wood2 hours
Metal Guitar1800x60 Steel, x3 Cool Essence9 hours
Silver Mic2230x60 Steel, x3 Cool Essence9 hours

How to Craft Robot Hero in Pocket Camp Complete

How to Level Up Static Quickly

After inviting Static to your campsite, your next goal is to level him up to 15. The fastest way to do this is by giving him Gold Treats, but if you want to conserve those, you can opt for these snacks instead:

  • Plain Chocolate Bar
  • Tasty Chocolate Bars
  • Gourmet Chocolate Bars

Since Static's theme is "cool," snacks that align with this theme will grant more friendship points.

Keep an eye out for notifications that Static wants to talk to you; these are opportunities to earn friendship points. When conversing with Static, choose the red dialogue options:

  • "Tell me a story!" can earn you up to 6 points if he asks you to pick out furniture or clothing for a friend. Sometimes, this option just means he wants to give you a gift.
  • "Change outfit!" becomes available when Static reaches level 6. If the option is red, you'll gain friendship points for selecting a new outfit that matches his theme.
  • "Have a snack!" is the quickest way to boost levels. Give Static snacks that match his theme if you're not using Bronze, Silver, or Gold Treats.
  • "Need some help?" / "You can always talk to me!" often initiates a Request where you'll need to give Static a fruit, bug, or fish item. Opt for high-quality items (those with a high sales price) to maximize points and bonus rewards.

Robot Hero Crafting Materials

Once Static reaches level 15, talk to him to unlock the Robot Hero furniture item in your craft catalog. Crafting the Robot Hero takes 15 hours and requires 10230 Bells along with these materials:

  • x2 Sparkle Stones
  • x4 Cool Essence
  • x150 Steel

Where to Use Robot Hero

Happy Homeroom

Robot Hero is a 6x6 item, which means it occupies a significant amount of space in your cabin or campsite. If you're not using it as a decoration, you should still craft it to fulfill Static's Special Request and use it in Happy Homeroom classes.

Robot Hero is listed as "Recommended Furniture" in the following classes:

  • Kids' Play Room
  • Gaming Expo Booth

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