World of Warcraft has unveiled the schedule for its expanded Turbulent Timeways event, featuring seven consecutive weeks of Timewalking campaigns. From now until February 24th, players can journey through various Timewalking expansions, earning new rewards, a wealth of Timewarped Badges, and a powerful experience buff.
The Turbulent Timeways event, initially introduced in September 2023, previously offered five weeks of Timewalking. Players could earn a stackable buff, culminating in Mastery of Timeways—a 20% experience boost—after completing four Timewalking dungeons. Completing this for all five weeks granted the Master of the Turbulent Timeways achievement and the Sandy Shalewing pet.
This year's Turbulent Timeways event is even bigger. Over seven weeks, players will experience a different Timewalking campaign each week, starting with Mists of Pandaria on January 7th and concluding with Cataclysm the week of February 18th. Each week offers standard Timewalking quests, dungeons, raids, and the return of the stackable Mastery of Timeways buff.
World of Warcraft Turbulent Timeways Event Schedule
Securing Mastery of Timeways in five out of these seven weeks awards the Mastery of the Turbulent Timeways 2 achievement and the adorable Timely Buzzbee mount. Timewalking vendors for each expansion offer new permanent items, including Season of Discovery transmogs at the Classic vendor. The Sandy Shalewing pet is also available for those who missed the previous event. Furthermore, the Cache of Nerubian Treasures, earned from the weekly Timewalking dungeon quest, will grant Heroic gear during the Turbulent Timeways event.
Following the recent conclusion of World of Warcraft's 20th-anniversary event (which itself included 11 weeks of consecutive Timewalking), players will have enjoyed a total of 18 consecutive weeks of Timewalking.
The Turbulent Timeways event's end date also hints at future World of Warcraft plans. With the final Timewalking campaign ending February 24th, and considering Blizzard's typical eight-week release cadence and the recent holiday season, February 25th is a strong contender for the release date of World of Warcraft Patch 11.1, Undermined, approximately ten weeks after Patch 11.0.7. Combined with the second run of Plunderstorm (January 14th-February 17th) and The War Within's upcoming major content update, World of Warcraft is starting 2025 with a robust content schedule.