Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross has arrived in Marvel Snap, portraying the character Harrison Ford plays in Captain America: Brave New World. While his in-game representation might not be a game-changer on its own, let's examine his potential.
Thunderbolt Ross's Mechanics:
This 2-cost, 2-power card boasts the ability: "When your opponent ends a turn with unspent Energy, draw a card with 10 or more Power." This mechanic, similar to Red Hulk and High Evolutionary effects, hinges on card draw – a powerful aspect of Marvel Snap. However, the restriction to cards with 10+ power significantly limits its applicability.
Currently, this includes cards like Attuma, Black Cat, Crossbones, Cull Obsidian, Typhoid Mary, Aero, Heimdall, Helicarrier, Red Hulk, Sasquatch, She-Hulk, Skaar, Thanos (if generated), Orka, Emperor Hulkling, Hulk, Magneto, Death, Red Skull, Agatha Harkness (if generated), Giganto, Destroyer, and The Infinaut. Most decks contain only one, if any, of these high-power cards. Therefore, Thunderbolt Ross's effectiveness is directly tied to deck construction. Decks featuring multiple high-power cards will benefit most, leveraging both the card draw and deck thinning aspects. Red Guardian serves as a direct counter.
Optimal Deck Synergies:
Thunderbolt Ross shines in Surtur decks. A sample Surtur deck includes: Zabu, Hydra Bob, Thunderbolt Ross, Armor, Cosmo, Juggernaut, Surtur, Ares, Attuma, Crossbones, Cull Obsidian, and Skaar. Note that this deck heavily relies on Series 5 cards. Substitutions like replacing Hydra Bob with Iceman, Nico Minoru, or Spider-Ham are possible, but core cards like Surtur remain essential. The strategy centers on playing Surtur on turn 3, boosting its power with 10-power cards, and utilizing Juggernaut and Cosmo for end-game control. Thunderbolt Ross enhances consistency by drawing crucial high-power cards.
A Hela deck also benefits from Thunderbolt Ross. A sample Hela deck might include: Black Knight, Blade, Thunderbolt Ross, Lady Sif, Ghost Rider, War Machine, Hell Cow, Black Cat, Aero, Hela, The Infinaut, and Death. Again, Series 5 cards (Black Knight and War Machine) are present, with War Machine being replaceable by Ares or Swordmaster. This deck focuses on discarding high-power cards of varying costs to be revived by Hela on the final turn. Thunderbolt Ross improves the consistency of this discard strategy.
Is Thunderbolt Ross Worth the Investment?
Currently, unless you're a dedicated Surtur/Ares player, Thunderbolt Ross might not justify the cost if resources are limited. His value will increase with the addition of more 10+ power cards to the game, but his niche application and the prevalence of Wiccan decks (which incentivize opponents to spend all energy) currently limit his overall impact.