Home > News > ‘Monster Hunter Now’ Season 3 To Add Magnamalo, Heavy Bowgun Weapon, Cooking, and More on September 11th
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Niantic and Capcom have unveiled the next major update for Monster Hunter Now (Free), titled Season 3: "Curse of the Wandering Flames." This update introduces Magnamalo, the first original monster from Monster Hunter Rise, to the Monster Hunter Now roster. Joining Magnamalo are two other formidable foes: the electrifying Rajang and the powerful Aknosom. Season 3 also introduces a new weapon, the Heavy Bowgun, and adds the much-anticipated cooking feature. I'm particularly excited to see how Magnamalo and Rajang translate to the mobile experience, having enjoyed hunting them extensively in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Below is a glimpse of Magnamalo's artwork in Monster Hunter Now:
Here's a sneak peek at some of the new gear coming in this update:
For newcomers or returning players, I've compiled a comprehensive guide covering tips and tricks, weapon details, special skills, a current monster list, my wishlist for future monsters, and much more. Download Monster Hunter Now on the App Store for iOS [link removed] and on Google Play for Android [link removed]. In-app purchases include various gem packs and upgrades. Visit the official website [link removed] for more information. What are your thoughts on the game's current state, and are you anticipating Teostra's arrival next month?